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IoT Daniel Apostu IoT Daniel Apostu

How is IOT transforming Healthcare?

The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital revolution driven by the Internet of Things (IoT). By connecting devices, sensors, and medical equipment to the internet, IoT is creating a network of intelligent systems that are fundamentally transforming the way we deliver and experience healthcare.

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Network Sheryl Manset Network Sheryl Manset

What is an IoT ecosystem?

IoT ecosystem refers to a complex network of interconnected devices, sensors, software, and services that communicate and interact with each other to collect, exchange, and analyze data. In simpler terms, it's like a digital ecosystem where everyday objects are embedded with technology to connect and communicate over the internet. This enables them to gather and share information autonomously.

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IoT Roel van der Meer IoT Roel van der Meer

El futuro de la micromovilidad

Micromovilidad es un término acuñado recientemente. Se refiere a vehículos ligeros, como un patinete o una bicicleta eléctrica. Los vehículos micromóviles utilizan ...

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